Photo by Eric Ryan Anderson

Photo by Eric Ryan Anderson

It’s been five years since Blind Pilot have released an album, but for frontman Israel Nebeker it might as well been a lifetime. In the blink of an eye Nebeker lost his closest group of friends, his 13 year relationship ended and his dad was diagnosed with cancer. He moved back home to help his family with his fathers sickness and eventual death. Through this two year experience though, it brought Nebeker a deeper will to care and hope. “Packed Powder” came from the idea Nebeker had as a teenager, when he and his friends found out they could repack fireworks to different outcomes. “We’re all made of the same stuff, but who knows how we’re packed and what we’ll show as we burn across the black sky of our own time?” Download “Packed Powder” off And Then Like Lions and learn more about Blind Pilot at their Official Website, “Like” them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.


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